“What you guys do is so cool, I wish I could help!”

This is a common response from people I meet when describing the ministry of The Blessing Board. I share the stories of the families we serve week after week. I recount stories, that both our families and our volunteers tell, about the impactful experiences they have had on a Day of Blessing. The stories and the impacts are often emotional and powerful which leaves people wanting to help or contribute in some way. Many don’t know where to begin.

Over the next few weeks, I hope to describe how anyone who shares the desire to serve those in need can “help” here at The Blessing Board.

We call them the Three “Gs” - Give, Get and God

Each G is imperative, but without the Give, we would be unable to continue to operate. We are funded entirely by donations. We receive donations from individuals, churches, organizations and foundations. The Blessing Board receives no government monies. The Give is the first way that you can help. We would like you to become a Monthly Giver. It doesn’t have to be a lot to have an effect. Every little bit helps! Monthly gifts provide The Blessing Board with a strong foundation to continue to impact local families.

If you have any questions about what your monthly contribution looks like, visit our website or Facebook page, follow us on Instagram and Twitter or contact us through email. We invite you to come visit us and experience the impact your contribution has in our communities. Please click on the image below to get signed up and please know how grateful we are that you have chosen to financially support this work.

You can learn more about impact of The Blessing Board and the three G’s in my next post!



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